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Send XCM messages across Paraverse 🪐

You can use our SDK in all three scenarios:

  • Relay chain to Parachain XCM transfer
  • Parachain to Relay chain XCM transfer
  • Parachain to Parachain XCM transfer

Video guide for this section:


Relay chain to Parachain

await Builder(/*node api/ws_url_string - optional*/) //Api parameter is optional and can also be ws_url_string
      .from(RELAY_NODE) //Kusama or Polkadot
      .to(NODE/*,customParaId - optional*/ | Multilocation object)  // Destination Parachain //You can now add custom ParachainID eg. .to('Basilisk', 2024) or use custom Multilocation
      .currency({symbol: 'DOT', amount: amount})
      .address(address | Multilocation object) // AccountId32 or AccountKey20 address or custom Multilocation
      /*.xcmVersion(Version.V1/V2/V3/V4)  //Optional parameter for manual override of XCM Version used in call*/
      .build()  // Function called to build call

AccountId32 and AccountKey20 addresses can be directly copied from PolkadotJS as our SDK has a handler to convert it into the desired hex string automatically.

Eg. use standard public key 141NGS2jjZca5Ss2Nysth2stJ6rimcnufCNHnh5ExSsftn7U Instead of 0x84fc49ce30071ea611731838cc7736113c1ec68fbc47119be8a0805066df9b2b

Parachain to Relay chain

await Builder(/*node api/ws_url_string - optional*/) //Api parameter is optional and can also be ws_url_string
      .from(NODE) // Origin Parachain
      .to(RELAY_NODE) //Kusama or Polkadot
      .currency({symbol: 'DOT', amount: amount}) 
      .address(address | Multilocation object) // AccountId32 address or custom Multilocation
      /*.xcmVersion(Version.V1/V2/V3/V4)  //Optional parameter for manual override of XCM Version used in call*/
      .build()  // Function called to build call

AccountId32 and AccountKey20 addresses can be directly copied from PolkadotJS as our SDK has a handler to convert it into the desired hex string automatically.

Eg. use standard public key 141NGS2jjZca5Ss2Nysth2stJ6rimcnufCNHnh5ExSsftn7U Instead of 0x84fc49ce30071ea611731838cc7736113c1ec68fbc47119be8a0805066df9b2b

Parachain to Parachain

NOTE If you wish to transfer from Parachain that uses long IDs for example Moonbeam you have to add character 'n' the end of currencyID. Eg: .currency(42259045809535163221576417993425387648n) will mean you transfer xcDOT.

Builder pattern

await Builder(/*node api/ws_url_string - optional*/) //Api parameter is optional and can also be ws_url_string
      .from(NODE) // Origin Parachain
      .to(NODE /*,customParaId - optional*/ | Multilocation object /*Only works for PolkadotXCM pallet*/) // Destination Parachain //You can now add custom ParachainID eg. .to('Basilisk', 2024) or use custom Multilocation
      .currency({id: currencyID, amount: amount} | {symbol: currencySymbol, amount: amount} | {symbol: Native('currencySymbol'), amount: amount} | {symbol: Foreign('currencySymbol'), amount: amount} | {symbol: ForeignAbstract('currencySymbol'), amount: amount} | {multilocation: AssetMultilocationString, amount: amount | AssetMultilocationJson, amount: amount} | {multilocation: Override('Custom Multilocation'), amount: amount} | {multiasset: {currencySelection, isFeeAsset?: true /* for example symbol: symbol or id: id, or multilocation: multilocation*/, amount: amount}})
      .address(address | Multilocation object /*If you are sending through xTokens, you need to pass the destination and address multilocation in one object (x2)*/)  // AccountId32 or AccountKey20 address or custom Multilocation
      /*.xcmVersion(Version.V1/V2/V3/V4)  //Optional parameter for manual override of XCM Version used in call*/
      .build() // Function called to build call

AccountId32 and AccountKey20 addresses can be directly copied from PolkadotJS as our SDK has a handler to convert it into the desired hex string automatically.

Eg. use standard public key 141NGS2jjZca5Ss2Nysth2stJ6rimcnufCNHnh5ExSsftn7U Instead of 0x84fc49ce30071ea611731838cc7736113c1ec68fbc47119be8a0805066df9b2b

Ecosystem Bridges

This section sums up currently available and implemented ecosystem bridges that are offered in the XCM SDK. Implementing cross-ecosystem asset transfers was never this easy!

Polkadot <> Kusama bridge

Latest SDK versions support Polkadot <> Kusama bridge in very native and intuitive way. You just construct the Polkadot <> Kusama transfer as standard Parachain to Parachain scenario transfer.

  await Builder(api)            //Api parameter is optional and can also be ws_url_string
        .from('AssetHubPolkadot')  //Either AHP or AHK
        .to('AssetHubKusama')     //Either AHP or AHK
        .currency({symbol: 'DOT', amount: amount})        // Either KSM or DOT 

Polkadot <> Ethereum bridge (Snowbridge)

Just like Polkadot <> Kusama bridge the Snowbridge is implemented in as intuitive and native form as possible. The implementations for Polkadot -> Ethereum and Ethereum -> Polkadot differ due to different architecure so we will mention both scenarios.

Polkadot -> Ethereum transfer

await Builder(api)
          .currency({symbol: 'WETH', amount: amount})   //Any supported asset by bridge eg. WETH, WBTC, SHIB and more - {symbol: currencySymbol} | {id: currencyID}
          .address(eth_address)  //AccountKey20 recipient address

Ethereum -> Polkadot transfer

const provider = new ethers.BrowserProvider(window.ethereum);
const signer = await provider.getSigner();

await EvmBuilder(provider)      //Ethereum provider
  .currency({symbol: 'WETH', amount: amount})    //Any supported asset by bridge eg. WETH, WBTC, SHIB and more - {symbol: currencySymbol} | {id: currencyID}
  .address(address)   //AccountID32 recipient address
  .signer(signer)     //Ethereum signer address

Batch calls

You can batch XCM calls and execute multiple XCM calls within one call. All three scenarios (Para->Para, Para->Relay, Relay->Para) can be used and combined.

await Builder(/*node api/ws_url_string - optional*/)
      .from(NODE) //Ensure, that origin node is the same in all batched XCM Calls.
      .to(NODE_2) //Any compatible Parachain
      .currency({currencySelection, amount}) //Currency to transfer - options as in scenarios above
      .address(address | Multilocation object)

      .from(NODE) //Ensure, that origin node is the same in all batched XCM Calls.
      .to(NODE_3) //Any compatible Parachain
      .currency({currencySelection, amount}) //Currency to transfer - options as in scenarios above
      .address(address | Multilocation object)
          // This settings object is optional and batch all is the default option
          mode: BatchMode.BATCH_ALL //or BatchMode.BATCH

Query existential deposit

Latest SDK versions now offer ability to query existential deposit on implemented chains using simple call:

import { getExistentialDeposit } from "@paraspell/sdk";
import { getExistentialDeposit } from "@paraspell/sdk/papi";

//Currency is an optional parameter. If you wish to query native asset, currency parameter is not necessary.
//Currency can be either {symbol: assetSymbol}, {id: assetId}, {multilocation: assetMultilocation}.
const ed = getExistentialDeposit(node, currency?)

XCM Transfer info

You can now query all important information about your XCM call including information about fees (If your balance is sufficient to transfer XCM message) and more.

import { getTransferInfo, getBalanceForeign, getBalanceNative, getOriginFeeDetails, getMaxNativeTransferableAmount, getMaxForeignTransferableAmount, getTransferableAmount } from "@paraspell/sdk";
import { getTransferInfo, getBalanceForeign, getBalanceNative, getOriginFeeDetails, getMaxNativeTransferableAmount, getMaxForeignTransferableAmount, getTransferableAmount } from "@paraspell/sdk/papi";

//Get balance of foreign currency
await getBalanceForeign({address, node, currency /*- {id: currencyID} | {symbol: currencySymbol} | {symbol: Native('currencySymbol')} | {symbol: Foreign('currencySymbol')} | {symbol: ForeignAbstract('currencySymbol')} | {multilocation: AssetMultilocationString | AssetMultilocationJson}*/, api /* api/ws_url_string optional */})

//Get balance of native currency
await getBalanceNative({address, node, api /* api/ws_url_string optional */})

//Get fee information regarding XCM call
await getOriginFeeDetails({from, to, currency /*- {id: currencyID} | {symbol: currencySymbol} | {symbol: Native('currencySymbol')} | {symbol: Foreign('currencySymbol')} | {symbol: ForeignAbstract('currencySymbol')} | {multilocation: AssetMultilocationString | AssetMultilocationJson}*/, amount, originAddress, destinationAddress, api /* api/ws_url_string optional */, feeMargin /* 10% by default */})

//Retrieves the asset balance for a given account on a specified node (You do not need to specify if it is native or foreign).
await getAssetBalance({address, node, currency /*- {id: currencyID} | {symbol: currencySymbol} | {symbol: Native('currencySymbol')} | {symbol: Foreign('currencySymbol')} | {symbol: ForeignAbstract('currencySymbol')} | {multilocation: AssetMultilocationString | AssetMultilocationJson}*/, api /* api/ws_url_string optional */});

//Retrieves maximal transferable balance of chain's native asset (Balance-AssetED) (If a node has more native assets, the asset selection has to be provided. Otherwise the parameter is optional).
await getMaxNativeTransferableAmount({address, node, currency /*- {symbol: currencySymbol} */})

//Retrives maximal transferable balance of chain's foreign asset (Balance-AssetED)
await getMaxForeignTransferableAmount({address, node, currency /*- {id: currencyID} | {symbol: currencySymbol} | {symbol: Native('currencySymbol')} | {symbol: Foreign('currencySymbol')} | {symbol: ForeignAbstract('currencySymbol')} | {multilocation: AssetMultilocationString | AssetMultilocationJson}*/});

//Combines the getMaxNative and getMaxForeign transferable amount functions into one, so you don't have to specify whether you want a native or foreign asset.
await getTransferableAmount({address, node, currency /*- {id: currencyID} | {symbol: currencySymbol} | {symbol: Native('currencySymbol')} | {symbol: Foreign('currencySymbol')} | {symbol: ForeignAbstract('currencySymbol')} | {multilocation: AssetMultilocationString | AssetMultilocationJson}*/});

//Get all the information about XCM transfer
await getTransferInfo({from, to, address, destinationAddress, currency /*- {id: currencyID} | {symbol: currencySymbol} | {symbol: Native('currencySymbol')} | {symbol: Foreign('currencySymbol')} | {symbol: ForeignAbstract('currencySymbol')} | {multilocation: AssetMultilocationString | AssetMultilocationJson}*/, amount, api /* api/ws_url_string optional */})

Developer experience

Builder pattern experience

When developing with the Builder pattern, the developer is guided by the typescript and thus knows which parameter can be added next. This increases the developer experience and makes SDK easier to use. builder

Control messages into the console

Once the call is being constructed developer is warned about major details regarding the call into the console. This way they can ensure, that the call they wanted to create is being created. 212045110-c001fcb7-8cc2-421c-9cd0-6d8205b3b11f