XCM Router (SpellRouter☄️)
Following section covers XCM Router implementation in LightSpell XCM API. Users can use XCM Router to perform cross-chain transactions between compatible two chains and receive different assets than assets that were sent. This helps with liquidity and user experience as users do not need to perform multiple transactions to achieve the same result.
For list of supported chains/assets/dexes head over to List of supported chains
Package-less implementation of XCM API Router features into your application
We recently introduced new much simpler way to implement XCM API! You can now request hashed response of built call which offlifts you from parsing and works right away!
const submitTransaction = async (
api: ApiPromise,
tx: Extrinsic,
signer: Signer,
injectorAddress: string,
): Promise<string> => {
await tx.signAsync(injectorAddress, { signer });
return await new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
void tx.send(({ status, dispatchError, txHash }) => {
if (status.isFinalized) {
// Check if there are any dispatch errors
if (dispatchError !== undefined) {
if (dispatchError.isModule) {
const decoded = api.registry.findMetaError(dispatchError.asModule);
const { docs, name, section } = decoded;
reject(new Error(`${section}.${name}: ${docs.join(' ')}`));
} else {
reject(new Error(dispatchError.toString()));
} else {
// No dispatch error, transaction should be successful
const response = await fetch("http://localhost:3001/router", {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify({
from: "Chain", // Origin Parachain/Relay chain
to: "Chain", // Destination Parachain/Relay chain
currencyFrom: {currencySpec}, // Currency to send - {symbol: currencySymbol} | {id: currencyID}
currencyTo: {currencySpec}, // Currency to receive - {symbol: currencySymbol} | {id: currencyID}
amount: "Amount", // Amount to send
slippagePct: "Pct", // Max slipppage percentage
recipientAddress: "Address", // Recipient address
senderAddress: 'InjectorAddress', // Address of sender
evmSenderAddress: 'EvmInjectorAddress', // EVM address of sender
const txs = await response.json();
for (const txInfo of txs) {
// Use the WS provider URL retrieved from the API to create an ApiPromise instance
const api = await ApiPromise.create({
provider: new WsProvider(txInfo.wsProvider),
if (txInfo.statusType === "TO_EXCHANGE") {
// When submitting to exchange, prioritize the evmSigner if available
const txHash = txInfo.tx
await submitTransaction(
evmSigner ?? signer,
evmInjectorAddress ?? injectorAddress
} else {
await submitTransaction(
Automatic exchange selection
If you wish to have exchange chain selection based on best price outcome, you can opt for automatic exchange selection method. This method can be selected by not using exchange:
parameter in the call. Router will then automatically select the best exchange chain for you based on the best price outcome.
Endpoint: POST /router-hash
: (required): Represents the Parachain from which the assets will be transferred.to
: (required): Represents the Parachain to which the assets will be transferred.currencyFrom
: (required): Represents the asset being sent.currencyTo
: (required): Represents the asset being received.amount
: (required): Specifies the amount of assets to transfer.slippagePct
: (required): Specifies the slipeage percentage.recipientAddress
: (required): Specifies the address of the recipient.injectorAddress
: (required): Specifies the address of the sender.evmInjectorAddress
: (optional): Specifies the EVM address of the sender when sending from an EVM chain.
(Bad request exception) - Returned when query parameters 'to' is not provided400
(Bad request exception) - Returned when query parameters 'to' is not a valid Parachains400
(Bad request exception) - Returned when query parameters 'from' is not provided400
(Bad request exception) - Returned when query parameters 'from' is not a valid Parachains400
(Bad request exception) - Returned when query parameter 'currencyTo' is expected but not provided400
(Bad request exception) - Returned when query parameter 'currencyTo' is not a valid currency400
(Bad request exception) - Returned when query parameter 'currencyFrom' is expected but not provided400
(Bad request exception) - Returned when query parameter 'currencyFrom' is not a valid currency400
(Bad request exception) - Returned when query parameter 'amount' is expected but not provided400
(Bad request exception) - Returned when query parameter 'slippagePct' is expected but not provided400
(Bad request exception) - Returned when query parameter 'recipientAddress' is expected but not provided400
(Bad request exception) - Returned when query parameter 'recipientAddress' is not a valid address400
(Bad request exception) - Returned when query parameter 'injectorAddress' is expected but not provided400
(Bad request exception) - Returned when query parameter 'injectorAddress' is not a valid address500
(Internal server error) - Returned when an unknown error has occurred. In this case please open an issue.
Example of request:
const response = await fetch("http://localhost:3001/router", {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify({
from: "Chain", //Origin Parachain/Relay chain - OPTIONAL PARAMETER
to: "Chain", //Destination Parachain/Relay chain - OPTIONAL PARAMETER
currencyFrom: {currencySpec}, // Currency to send - {symbol: 'ASTR'}) // Currency to receive - {id: currencyID, amount: amount} | {symbol: currencySymbol, amount: amount} | {symbol: Native('currencySymbol'), amount: amount} | {symbol: Foreign('currencySymbol'), amount: amount} | {symbol: ForeignAbstract('currencySymbol'), amount: amount} | {multilocation: AssetMultilocationString, amount: amount | AssetMultilocationJson, amount: amount}
currencyTo: {currencySpec}, // Currency to receive - {symbol: 'ASTR'}) // Currency to receive - {id: currencyID, amount: amount} | {symbol: currencySymbol, amount: amount} | {symbol: Native('currencySymbol'), amount: amount} | {symbol: Foreign('currencySymbol'), amount: amount} | {symbol: ForeignAbstract('currencySymbol'), amount: amount} | {multilocation: AssetMultilocationString, amount: amount | AssetMultilocationJson, amount: amount}
amount: "Amount", // Amount to send
slippagePct: "Pct", // Max slipppage percentage
recipientAddress: "Address", //Recipient address
senderAddress: 'InjectorAddress', //Address of sender
Manual exchange selection
If you wish to select your exchange chain manually you can do that by providing aditional parameter exchange:
in the call. Router will then use exchange chainn of your choice.
Endpoint: POST /router-hash
: (required): Represents the Parachain from which the assets will be transferred.exchange
: (optional): Represents the Parachain DEX on which tokens will be exchanged (If not provided, DEX is selected automatically based on best price output).to
: (required): Represents the Parachain to which the assets will be transferred.currencyFrom
: (required): Represents the asset being sent.currencyTo
: (required): Represents the asset being received.amount
: (required): Specifies the amount of assets to transfer.slippagePct
: (required): Specifies the slippage percentage.recipientAddress
: (required): Specifies the address of the recipient.injectorAddress
: (required): Specifies the address of the sender.evmInjectorAddress
: (optional): Specifies the EVM address of the sender when sending from an EVM chain.
(Bad request exception) - Returned when query parameters 'to' is not provided400
(Bad request exception) - Returned when query parameters 'to' is not a valid Parachains400
(Bad request exception) - Returned when query parameters 'from' is not provided400
(Bad request exception) - Returned when query parameters 'from' is not a valid Parachains400
(Bad request exception) - Returned when query parameter 'exchange' is not valid exchange400
(Bad request exception) - Returned when query parameter 'currencyTo' is expected but not provided400
(Bad request exception) - Returned when query parameter 'currencyTo' is not a valid currency400
(Bad request exception) - Returned when query parameter 'currencyFrom' is expected but not provided400
(Bad request exception) - Returned when query parameter 'currencyFrom' is not a valid currency400
(Bad request exception) - Returned when query parameter 'amount' is expected but not provided400
(Bad request exception) - Returned when query parameter 'slippagePct' is expected but not provided400
(Bad request exception) - Returned when query parameter 'recipientAddress' is expected but not provided400
(Bad request exception) - Returned when query parameter 'recipientAddress' is not a valid address400
(Bad request exception) - Returned when query parameter 'injectorAddress' is expected but not provided400
(Bad request exception) - Returned when query parameter 'injectorAddress' is not a valid address500
(Internal server error) - Returned when an unknown error has occurred. In this case please open an issue.
Example of request:
const response = await fetch("http://localhost:3001/router", {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify({
from: "Chain", //Origin Parachain/Relay chain - OPTIONAL PARAMETER
exchange: "Dex", //Exchange Parachain/Relay chain //Optional parameter, if not specified exchange will be auto-selected
to: "Chain", //Destination Parachain/Relay chain - OPTIONAL PARAMETER
currencyFrom: {currencySpec}, // Currency to send - {id: currencyID, amount: amount} | {symbol: currencySymbol, amount: amount} | {symbol: Native('currencySymbol'), amount: amount} | {symbol: Foreign('currencySymbol'), amount: amount} | {symbol: ForeignAbstract('currencySymbol'), amount: amount} | {multilocation: AssetMultilocationString, amount: amount | AssetMultilocationJson, amount: amount}
currencyTo: {currencySpec}, // Currency to receive - {id: currencyID, amount: amount} | {symbol: currencySymbol, amount: amount} | {symbol: Native('currencySymbol'), amount: amount} | {symbol: Foreign('currencySymbol'), amount: amount} | {symbol: ForeignAbstract('currencySymbol'), amount: amount} | {multilocation: AssetMultilocationString, amount: amount | AssetMultilocationJson, amount: amount}
amount: "Amount", // Amount to send
slippagePct: "Pct", // Max slipppage percentage
recipientAddress: "Address", //Recipient address
senderAddress: 'InjectorAddress', //Address of sender