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Getting started with SpellRouter☄️

This guide guides you through implementation of XCM Router that allows you to do various exciting actions on Polkadot and Kusama chains.

Install peer dependencies

# npm
yarn add || pnpm | npm install @polkadot/api @polkadot/types @polkadot/api-base @polkadot/apps-config @polkadot/util

Install XCM Router package

# npm
yarn add || pnpm | npm install @paraspell/xcm-router

Importing package

After installing the XCM-Router package there are two ways of importing it:

Option 1: Builder pattern

This way allows you to enhance builder patterns and construct your calls in a simple way.

import { RouterBuilder } from '@paraspell/xcm-router'

Option 2: Classic pattern

// ESM
import * as xcmRouter from '@paraspell/xcm-router'

//Multiple import options
import { transfer, 
         TTxProgressInfo } from '@paraspell/xcm-router'

//As Polkadot moves to ESM only, our Router also moves to ESM only. CJS is not supported anymore.