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Use XCM SDK✨ within XCM API

Following guide guides you through XCM SDK functionality implemented in XCM API.

Send XCM

This functionality allows you to send XCM messages across Paraverse.

Package-less implementation of XCM API XCM features into your application

//Chain WS API instance that will send generated XCM Call
const wsProvider = new WsProvider('YourChainWSPort'); //Specify "YourChainWSPort" with WS Port of sender chain 
const api = await ApiPromise.create({ provider: wsProvider });

const response = await fetch(
    "http://localhost:3001/x-transfer?" +
    new URLSearchParams({
        //Method parameters should be here
        //For eg. from: 'Basilisk'

//Constant required for every endpoint (As this is output they will provide)
const {   
} =

await response.json();

//Response received is parsed to the call
const promise = api.tx[module][section](

//Promise is then signed and can be subscribed to extrinsics
promise.signAndSend(address, { signer: injector.signer }, ({ status, txHash }) => {

Relay chain to Parachain (DMP)

The following endpoint constructs the Relay chain to the Parachain XCM message. This message is constructed by providing the to parameter.

Endpoint: POST /x-transfer

  • Parameters:

    • to (Query parameter): (required): Represents the Parachain to which the assets will be transferred.
    • amount (Query parameter): (required): Specifies the amount of assets to transfer. It should be a numeric value.
    • address (Query parameter): (required): Specifies the address of the recipient.
  • Errors:

    • 400 (Bad request exception) - Returned when query parameters 'to' is not provided
    • 400 (Bad request exception) - Returned when query parameters 'to' is not a valid Parachains
    • 400 (Bad request exception) - Returned when query parameter 'currency' is expected but not provided
    • 400 (Bad request exception) - Returned when query parameter 'currency' is not a valid currency
    • 500 (Internal server error) - Returned when an unknown error has occurred. In this case please open an issue.

Example of request:

const response = await fetch(
    "http://localhost:3001/x-transfer?" +
    new URLSearchParams({
        to: "Statemine",
        amount: "1000000000000",
        address: "5F5586mfsnM6durWRLptYt3jSUs55KEmahdodQ5tQMr9iY96"

AccountId32 and AccountKey20 addresses can be directly copied from PolkadotJS as our SDK has a handler to convert it into the desired hex string automatically.

Eg. use standard public key 141NGS2jjZca5Ss2Nysth2stJ6rimcnufCNHnh5ExSsftn7U Instead of 0x84fc49ce30071ea611731838cc7736113c1ec68fbc47119be8a0805066df9b2b

Parachain chain to Relay chain (UMP)

The following endpoint constructs Parachain to Relay chain XCM message. This message is constructed by providing the from parameter.

Endpoint: POST /x-transfer

  • Parameters:

    • from (Query parameter): (required): Represents the Parachain from which the assets will be transferred.
    • amount (Query parameter): (required): Specifies the amount of assets to transfer. It should be a numeric value.
    • address (Query parameter): (required): Specifies the address of the recipient.
  • Errors:

    • 400 (Bad request exception) - Returned when query parameters 'from' is not provided
    • 400 (Bad request exception) - Returned when query parameters 'from' is not a valid Parachains
    • 400 (Bad request exception) - Returned when query parameter 'currency' is expected but not provided
    • 400 (Bad request exception) - Returned when query parameter 'currency' is not a valid currency
    • 500 (Internal server error) - Returned when an unknown error has occurred. In this case please open an issue.

Example of request:

const response = await fetch(
    "http://localhost:3001/x-transfer?" +
    new URLSearchParams({
        from: "Basilisk",
        amount: "1000000000000",
        address: "5F5586mfsnM6durWRLptYt3jSUs55KEmahdodQ5tQMr9iY96"

AccountId32 and AccountKey20 addresses can be directly copied from PolkadotJS as our SDK has a handler to convert it into the desired hex string automatically.

Eg. use standard public key 141NGS2jjZca5Ss2Nysth2stJ6rimcnufCNHnh5ExSsftn7U Instead of 0x84fc49ce30071ea611731838cc7736113c1ec68fbc47119be8a0805066df9b2b

Parachain to Parachain (HRMP)

The following endpoint allows got creation of Parachain to Parachain XCM call. This call is specified by Parachains selected as origin - from and destination - to parameters.

Endpoint: POST /x-transfer

  • Parameters:

    • from (Query parameter): (required): Represents the Parachain from which the assets will be transferred.
    • to (Query parameter): (required): Represents the Parachain to which the assets will be transferred.
    • currency (Query parameter): (required): Represents the asset being sent. It should be a string value.
    • amount (Query parameter): (required): Specifies the amount of assets to transfer. It should be a numeric value.
    • address (Query parameter): (required): Specifies the address of the recipient.
  • Errors:

    • 400 (Bad request exception) - Returned when query parameters 'from' or 'to' are not provided
    • 400 (Bad request exception) - Returned when query parameters 'from' or 'to' are not a valid Parachains
    • 400 (Bad request exception) - Returned when query parameter 'currency' is expected but not provided
    • 400 (Bad request exception) - Returned when query parameter 'currency' is not a valid currency
    • 400 (Bad request exception) - Returned when entered nodes 'from' and 'to' are not compatible for the transaction
    • 500 (Internal server error) - Returned when an unknown error has occurred. In this case please open an issue.

NOTE If you wish to transfer from Parachain that uses long IDs for example Moonbeam you have to add character 'n' the end of currencyID. Eg: currency: "42259045809535163221576417993425387648n" will mean you wish to transfer xcDOT.

Example of request:

const response = await fetch(
    "http://localhost:3001/x-transfer?" +
    new URLSearchParams({
        from: "Basilisk",
        to: "Karura",
        currency: "KSM",
        amount: "1000000000000",
        address: "5F5586mfsnM6durWRLptYt3jSUs55KEmahdodQ5tQMr9iY96"

AccountId32 and AccountKey20 addresses can be directly copied from PolkadotJS as our SDK has a handler to convert it into the desired hex string automatically.

Eg. use standard public key 141NGS2jjZca5Ss2Nysth2stJ6rimcnufCNHnh5ExSsftn7U Instead of 0x84fc49ce30071ea611731838cc7736113c1ec68fbc47119be8a0805066df9b2b

Asset query

This functionality allows you to perform various asset queries with compatible Parachains.

Package-less implementation of XCM API Asset features into your application

const response = await fetch(
    "http://localhost:3001/assets/<action>" + //Replace "action" with your desired action eg. "Acala/native" 

console.log(response) //use response data as necessary

Query assets object

The following endpoint retrieves all assets on a specific Parachain as an object.

Endpoint: GET /assets/:node

  • Parameters:

    • node (path parameter): Specifies the name of the Parachain.
  • Errors:

    • 400 (Bad request): When a specified Parachain does not exist.
    • 500 (Internal server error) - Returned when an unknown error has occurred. In this case please open an issue.

Example of request:

const response = await fetch("http://localhost:3001/assets/Statemint");

Query asset ID

The following endpoint returns the asset id for the specific asset on a specific Parachain.

Endpoint: GET /assets/:node/id?symbol=:symbol

  • Parameters:

    • node (path parameter): Specifies the name of the Parachain.
    • symbol (path parameter): Specifies the currency symbol of the asset.
  • Errors:

    • 400 (Bad request): When a specified Parachain does not exist.
    • 404 (Bad request): When an asset with a specified currency symbol does not exist.
    • 500 (Internal server error) - Returned when an unknown error has occurred. In this case please open an issue.

Example of request:

const response = await fetch("http://localhost:3001/assets/Interlay/id?symbol=USDT");

Query Relay chain asset symbol

The following endpoint returns the Relay chain asset symbol for a specific Parachain.

Endpoint: GET /assets/:node/relay-chain-symbol

  • Parameters:

    • node (path parameter): Specifies the name of the Parachain.
  • Errors:

    • 400 (Bad request): When a specified Parachain does not exist.
    • 500 (Internal server error) - Returned when an unknown error has occurred. In this case please open an issue.

Example of request:

const response = await fetch("http://localhost:3001/assets/Astar/relay-chain-symbol");

Query native assets

The following endpoint returns native assets of specific Parachain.

Endpoint: GET /assets/:node/native

  • Parameters:

    • node (path parameter): Specifies the name of the Parachain.
  • Errors:

    • 400 (Bad request): When a specified Parachain does not exist.
    • 500 (Internal server error) - Returned when an unknown error has occurred. In this case please open an issue.

Example of request:

const response = await fetch("http://localhost:3001/assets/Kylin/native");

Query foreign assets

The following endpoint returns foreign assets of specific Parachain.

Endpoint: GET /assets/:node/other

  • Parameters:

    • node (path parameter): Specifies the name of the Parachain.
  • Errors:

    • 400 (Bad request): When a specified Parachain does not exist.
    • 500 (Internal server error) - Returned when an unknown error has occurred. In this case please open an issue.

Example of request:

const response = await fetch("http://localhost:3001/assets/Statemine/other");

Query all asset symbols

The following endpoint returns all asset symbols for specific Parachain.

Endpoint: GET /assets/:node/all-symbols

  • Parameters:

    • node (path parameter): Specifies the name of the Parachain.
  • Errors:

    • 400 (Bad request): When a specified Parachain does not exist.
    • 500 (Internal server error) - Returned when an unknown error has occurred. In this case please open an issue.

Example of request:

const response = await fetch("http://localhost:3001/assets/Moonbeam/all-symbols");

Query asset support

The following endpoint returns a boolean value that confirms if the asset is registered on a specific Parachain or not.

Endpoint: GET /assets/:node/has-support?symbol=:symbol

  • Parameters:

    • node (path parameter): Specifies the name of the Parachain.
    • symbol (path parameter): Specifies the symbol of the asset.
  • Errors:

    • 400 (Bad request): When a specified Parachain does not exist.
    • 404 (Bad request): When an asset with a specified currency symbol does not exist.
    • 500 (Internal server error) - Returned when an unknown error has occurred. In this case please open an issue.

Example of request:

const response = await fetch("http://localhost:3001/assets/HydraDX/has-support?symbol=DOT");

Query asset decimals

The following endpoint retrieves specific asset decimals on specific Parachain.

Endpoint: GET /assets/:node/decimals?symbol=:symbol

  • Parameters:

    • node (path parameter): Specifies the name of the Parachain.
    • symbol (path parameter): Specifies the currency symbol.
  • Errors:

    • 400 (Bad request): When a specified Parachain does not exist.
    • 404 (Bad request): When an asset with a specified currency symbol does not exist.
    • 500 (Internal server error) - Returned when an unknown error has occurred. In this case please open an issue.

Example of request:

const response = await fetch("http://localhost:3001/assets/Basilisk/decimals?symbol=BSX");

Query Parachain ID

The following endpoint retrieves Parachain's ID from Parachain's name

Endpoint: GET /assets/:node/para-id

  • Parameters:
    • node (path parameter): Specifies the name of the Parachain.
  • Errors:
    • 400 (Bad request): When a specified Parachain does not exist.
    • 500 (Internal server error) - Returned when an unknown error has occurred. In this case please open an issue.

Example of request:

const response = await fetch("http://localhost:3001/assets/Acala/para-id");

Query Parachain name

The following endpoint retrieves the Parachain's name from the Parachain's ID.

Endpoint: GET /assets/:paraId

  • Parameters:

    • paraId (path parameter): Specifies the parachain ID.
  • Errors:

    • 404 (Bad request): When a Parachain with a specified Parachain ID does not exist.
    • 500 (Internal server error) - Returned when an unknown error has occurred. In this case please open an issue.

Example of request:

const response = await fetch("http://localhost:3001/assets/2090");

Query list of implemented Parachains

The following endpoint retrieves an array of implemented Parachains.

Endpoint: GET /assets

  • Parameters: None.
  • Errors:
    • 500 (Internal server error) - Returned when an unknown error has occurred. In this case please open an issue.

Example of request:

const response = await fetch("http://localhost:3001/assets");

Create HRMP channels

The following functionality allows you to open or close HRMP channels between Parachains.

Package-less implementation of XCM API HRMP features into your application

const response = await fetch(
    "http://localhost:3001/hrmp/channels?" +
    new URLSearchParams({
        //Method parameters should be here
        //For eg. from: 'Basilisk'
    //Replace the method with the method your scenario uses eg. "POST" 
    { method: "YourMethod" }

const data = await response.json(); //Here we receive data
const { module, section, parameters } = data; //Parsing received data

//Received data needs to be wrapped in a sudo call - only the sudo account can 
//perform these eg. Alice in localhost
const promise = api.tx.sudo.sudo(api.tx[module][section](...parameters)); 

//Call is signed here and can subscribe to extrinsics
promise.signAndSend(alice, ({status,txHash}) => 

Open HRMP channel

The following endpoint serves to open a new HRMP channel between Parachains defined with origin & destination parameters. Users also provide maxSize and maxMessageSize details.

Endpoint: POST /hrmp/channels

  • Parameters:

    • from (Query parameter): (required): Specifies the origin Parachain.
    • to (Query parameter): (required): Specifies the destination Parachain.
    • maxSize (Query parameter): (required): Specifies the maximum size.
    • maxMessageSize (Query parameter): (required): Specifies the maximum message size.
  • Errors:

    • 400 (Bad request exception) - Returned when query parameters 'from' or 'to' are not provided
    • 400 (Bad request exception) - Returned when query parameters 'from' or 'to' are not a valid Parachains
    • 400 (Bad request exception) - Returned when query parameter 'maxSize' pr 'maxMessageSize' is not provided
    • 500 (Internal server error) - Returned when an unknown error has occurred. In this case please open an issue.

Example of request:

const response = await fetch(
    "http://localhost:3001/hrmp/channels?" +
    new URLSearchParams({
        from: Karura,
        to: BifrostKusama,
        maxSize: "8",
        maxMessageSize: "1024",
    { method: "POST" }

Close HRMP channel

The following endpoint serves to close HRMP channels routed from Parachain defined with the from parameter. Users also provide inbound and outbound details.

Endpoint: DELETE /hrmp/channels

  • Parameters:

    • from (Query parameter): (required): Specifies the origin Parachain.
    • inbound (Query parameter): (required): Specifies the maximum inbound.
    • outbound (Query parameter): (required): Specifies the maximum outbound.
  • Errors:

    • 400 (Bad request exception) - Returned when query parameter 'from' is not provided
    • 400 (Bad request exception) - Returned when query parameter 'from' is not a valid Parachain
    • 400 (Bad request exception) - Returned when query parameter 'inbound' or 'outbound' is not provided
    • 500 (Internal server error) - Returned when an unknown error has occurred. In this case please open an issue.

Example of request:

const response = await fetch(
    "http://localhost:3001/hrmp/channels?" +
    new URLSearchParams({
        from: Karura,
        inbound: "0",
        outbound: "0",
    { method: "DELETE" }

Query XCM pallets

This functionality allows you to query the XCM pallets that Parachains currently support.

Package-less implementation of XCM API XCM Pallet Query features into your application

const response = await fetch(
    "http://localhost:3001/pallets/<action>" + //Replace "action" with your desired action eg. "Acala/default" 

console.log(response) //use response data as necessary

Get default XCM pallet

The following endpoint returns the default pallet for specific Parachain

Endpoint: GET /pallets/:node/default

  • Parameters:

    • node (path parameter): Specifies the name of the Parachain.
  • Errors:

    • 400 (Bad request exception) - Returned when path parameter 'node' is not a valid Parachain
    • 500 (Internal server error) - Returned when an unknown error has occurred. In this case please open an issue.

Example of request:

const response = await fetch("http://localhost:3001/pallets/Acala/default");

Get all supported XCM pallets

The following endpoint returns all XCM Pallets that are supported on specific Parachain

Endpoint: GET /pallets/:node

  • Parameters:

    • node (path parameter): Specifies the name of the Parachain.
  • Errors:

    • 400 (Bad request exception) - Returned when path parameter 'node' is not a valid Parachain
    • 500 (Internal server error) - Returned when an unknown error has occurred. In this case please open an issue.

Example of request:

const response = await fetch("http://localhost:3001/pallets/Basilisk");