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Set of XCM tools for Polkadot and Kusama Paraverse

🧰 This is what we are working on:

  • XCM API (LightSpell⚡️): Meant to ease the integration of XCM interoperability into your dApp, offload your dApp from heavy computing and save you costs.
  • XCM ROUTER (SpellRouter☄️): Meant to allow you to create XCM calls where you receive different assets than assets you send (Eg. Send -> DOT from Polkadot, receive ASTR on Astar)—all in just one call.
  • XCM SDK: Meant to unify cross-chain experience on Polkadot and become a layer 2 protocol that allows for seamless integration of XCM into your dApps
  • XCM Analyser - Tool to convert XCM Multilocations to human readable format.

A complete guide on how to use these tools will be mentioned throughout the document.

What is ParaSpell✨ in general

ParaSpell focuses on enhancing XCM functionality by doing research on every XCM-compatible Parachain. Research is then composed into XCM API and XCM SDK repositories that group diversity in XCM into uniform easy to implement tools that allow you to implement interoperability benefits of Polkadot ecosystem into your application within moments.

Why should I use ParaSpell✨?

Implementing Polkadot's flagship feature called XCM into your application could be a complicated matter sometimes. Parachains tend to customize their XCM Pallets to fit their needs which creates lots of diversity. This means, that implementing support for different Parachains in a uniform way is a lengthy task. Luckily, ParaSpell wrapped these pallets from every compatible Parachain and did this research for you. In the end, saving time can be essential when delivering a product. Time never stops, so we all should use it wisely.

Project achievements in chronological order ⌛️

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